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Supplies of peaches Prunus persica from Greece

Prunus persica from Greece

We offer greek flat peaches directly from farmers

Flat (fig) peach exported from Greece recently. Really, this culture, bred in China, did not immediately taken root in Europe. It should be noted that the actual impact on the characteristics of the fig peach is almost negligible. Among the "ancestors" of the class can be identified peach ordinary peach, cherry plum and pear.

One of the advantages fig peach - is that does not change the taste of flesh from the skin to the stone (which is inherent other "brothers"). Kind, incredibly sweet taste, flat peach huge demand for which can not yet manage to offer.

As the other stone fruits, the prunus persica has the same factors which reduse the crop of the stone fruits, like illnesses etc.

Prunus persica from Greece

Frulantis company has been supplying a wide range of fresh fruit from Greece. Gamma of our products is presented on page fresh fruits.