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The illnesses of cherry

Factors that reduce productivity of sweet cherry in Greece

Here we describe only those factors which meets company Frulantis exporting fresh fruit from Greece. This article does not pretend to be encyclopedic, because some diseases and pests are not present in the areas where we produce our products. This article reflects the difficulties faced by exporters, which like Frulantis, export cherries directly from plantations.

The lack of iron and nitrogen

The lack of iron and nitrogen

First, we note that for the cherries are actual same diseases and pests, as for any other stone fruits. About them you can read in the article about the factors that reduce productivity stone fruits. But to avoid the overflow of article by lots of photos and text, we put cherries on a separate page.

One of the points that is necessary to consider when growing cherries, is the content of nutritionals in the soil. On a photo to the right represented fruits of cherries, suffer from iron deficiency and nitrogen. At the time, as in neighboring areas, or even in neighboring rows, cherry was painted in dark rich color, this bunch looks bleak and immature. The problem is aggravated by the fact that soil fertilization in that period will not solve the problem, as it makes sense to do in the spring. Thus, the harvest of these trees can be used unless for processing.

Strong winds at the time of maturity

Sweet cherries with a damaged sides due to the strong wind

But even if the farmer have sprayed on time the trees from pests, have fertilized the soil on time with the necessary preparations, it does not mean that the battle for the crop is won.

Early varieties of cherry, such as Bullage, are rarely exported. This is due to the fact that the period of maturation of the class is almost always accompanied by much rains and strong winds. By the strong wind cherries encounter with the other ones, or strike the branches, getting dents on the sides. Within a few hours, these dents become centers of decay, covering fruits with dark brown spots (on the left).

Cracks on the fruits caused by heavy rainfall

Cracks on the fruits caused by heavy rainfall

If when cherriy ripes there was not a strong wind, but there were heavy rains, it is also possible that half of the crop is lost. Especially if after continuous rains appears the bright sun. In this case, the fruits which have absorbed tree juices in large quantities, have no time to just quickly give back the moistures, as far as the sun is baking. The result can be seen in the photo on the right.

If strong wind and a lot of rain together

Cherry fruits damaged by strong wind and heavy rains

In this case, 99% of the crop will be lost without a doubt. Cherry looks after such a massive attack by nature extremely bad, cracked and brown spots of rot.

Cherries, eaten by birds

Cherries, eaten by birds

Basically the share of this factor in the total gamma of harmful factors is small, but we considered that we should mention about it. It happens that part of the crop is eaten by birds, if it appears that other food in the area is not enough. In contrast to the above case, eaten cherries are suitable for processing, e.g. for making jams.

Twins cherries

Twins cherries

And finally, about the most harmless deffekt, which nevertheless causes the selling cherries at a price lower than desired. It often happens like twins. When one of them does not develop, is becoming wrinkled bone. If this part is removed, the healthy cherry will be damaged at the point of glueing, becoming unsuitable for export. Therefore, this cherries because of its unsightly appearance, are forced to sell cheaper - for the internal market or for processing.